Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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Vent after she felt more comfortable before she too many thoughts in my heart, always an optimist like in front of others, in fact, her most sad sad.
Although she insisted, but the girl has a fragile side and vulnerable side, Europe sub-shan is no exception, her personal life, she is her inner most grief from small to large process of growing old nun is certainly selfless love her, that feeling is very noble, very great, but always can not substitute for the feelings of the love of their parents and that points of flesh and blood.
The European sub Alexandra days heaved a breath, in fact, she would like shouting, but now there may be others, she did not want so fat 'crazy', had refrained.
Looked at from the beginning playback of the video screen Wentai finally understand the truth of the whole event, and evidently the European sub-shan now the mood has turned for the better, they dispel the idea of ​​a lesson that the so-called superstar do not know that I should not pray thank all deities, but rest in the hotel, I still feel the spine cold, play a loud sneeze.
European sub-shan clean up a bit She makes dirty package, and then quickly left.
Wentai naturally follow the European sub-shan to go out. Fact, Europe sub Alexandra does not know of is, in her life every minute every seconds, all the time exists with these invisible bodyguard protection with her safety, Wentai Europe Jing Hao men most faithful at the same time is also the most play a Europe Jing Hao was assured that the delivery of this important task for him to do,
Europe sub-shan way to run came to a small river, surrounded by very silent, she cried loudly, how to find my father. If you do not know the details of people also think that she is crazy, but this is the European sub-shan has been to say out of words, each person has to select his life powers, the European sub-shan has been wanted to be a great journalist,fake oakleys, one said that the truth of the people, a visits to the truth of the people and, more importantly, she wanted to know who she is, how she was born, her father, who is the mother is what kind of a person.
Watching it all in the next Wentai unconsciously shed tears, he felt very useless man bleeding without tears, and now he feels he tears spat also easy, do not know this is not loaded gay much sake. ?
But sub-shan is indeed a strong girl, to be more courageous in the face of life of the people to survive in the face of adversity, often survive in good times encountered some setbacks will be brought to its knees decadent down like sub-shan this girl really belongs to the rare animals like dinosaurs.
Twenty-four hours a day a short time,wholesale nba jerseys, said not long long time so quietly passed Early the next morning, we left the city, I realized that we almost all Or nothing.
This beautiful city there are a lot of places I have not been to, so to leave in a hurry, does my heart some regret in life is like that everything is uncertain, so our mouth will often say that such a hope The words Snow has already begun before we went to the airport, well we all ready

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